September 23, 2019
Recent advances in the digital world including Internet of Things (IoT), big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and their applications in enhancement of the production operations is moving industries to get aligned and integrated with the digital world. Digital models provide a framework to perform advanced computations and data analysis opening new horizons towards smart production. Farpaco is your partner to have the digital twin model of your industry.
March 11, 2019
In order to improve not only quality but also quantity of the farming products, state-of-the-art technologies can be applied to pave the way towards a sustainable world. FARPACO has recently prepared a full package of smart solutions to foster agriculture industry in the framework of Industry 4.0.
December 17, 2018
With a specific focus on sustainability, the 2nd international forum and exhibition on mineral exploration will be held on January 28 – 30, 2019 at Olympic Tehran Hotel in Tehran. This event aims to provide a platform to bring together people and products, as well as technologies and solutions for applications in mining exploration. FARPACO looks forward to seeing you there.
December 5, 2018
With no doubt, digitalization is a vital stage for smart and effective production of zinc ingot and other byproducts. The concept is to capture real-time information about the state of the mine, the quality of ore, the conditions of the processing plant and the value of the output product and pass it to all the management team in real-time and to allow minute-by-minute fact-based decision-making.
It is now time for the executive managers in the zinc industry to overcome current inertia to this disruptive changes to achieve better competitiveness in the market.